Angels Share Hotel - Angels Share Hotel, Edinburgh
  • The Angels’ Share

    Upon completing the aging process, ancient distillers found themselves confronted with a perplexing phenomenon. Despite starting with a cask brimming with spirit, they often ended up with significantly less, sometimes up to half of the original volume. Lacking...


    Famous People of Edinburgh

    Angels Share Hotel, Bar & Restaurant is very proud of our great city of Edinburgh and some of the local talent it has produced!  Not only is Edinburgh steeped in history, hosts a wealth of diverse festivals, offers world class attractions to visit and a great city...


    Festive Season at Angels Share 2021

    The nights are starting to get darker and there is a slight crispness to the air, which can only mean one thing, Christmas is on its way. Here at Angels Share, we are gearing up for another spectacular festive season, where Edinburgh is turned into a magical winter...


    Angels Share Cocktails

    Mixing spirits and liqueurs with other ingredients to create a flavourful drink has been done since the beginning of time, but here at Angels Share, making a cocktail means so much more than just throwing together a few spirits. Our bartenders have come up with a...